SLS Academia- Learn Evolve Transform
In future marks that you obtain will have a minimal role to play. The skills that you have mastered and the knowledge that you have , will define the future kids capabilities. SLS Academia is my attempt to change the marks based Learning that we have now into a Skill & Knowledge based Learning.

Founder / Teacher SLS Academia
SLS Academia Video Courses
SLS Academia Live Courses
we TEACH ??
Learn the Knowledge
We believe that there is no age limit for Learning. So our courses are designed for all age groups. Each of you will learn all the knowledge required to develop your understanding
Evolve your skills & understanding of the world
After you learn about the topics in our curriculum, you will develop a keen understanding about the functioning of the world and will evolve your Innovative & Problem solving capabilities
Transform the world using your skills & knowledge
Making use of the knowledge that you acquired and strengthening it with your improved skill set, you will be able to transform our world into a better place.
Knowledge Sharing is Knowledge Squaring

If you cannot say what you mean, you will never mean what you say.